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Policy of the Integrated Management System of Compañía Química S.A.


Compañía Química S.A. is a company dedicated to the manufacture and commercialization of chemical products for various industries (plasticizers and oxides) and
design, manufacture and commercialization of chemical products for various industries (stabilizing , lubricants) directed mainly to the PVC industry.

We consider the safety and health of workers, environmental care and the quality of our products as essential values.

To ensure compliance with our objectives and demonstrate the performance of our integrated management system, we assume the following commitments:

  • Protect the environment and prevent environmental pollution from our facilities and in the places where we develop our activities, identifying the main environmental aspects to prevent adverse impacts.
  • Identify, evaluate and control the occupational hazards generated from our activities.
  • Protect the safety and health of our workers through the prevention and control of incidents, injuries and occupational diseases.
  • Promote a culture of risk prevention.
  • The consultation and participation of workers and their representatives in matters related to Safety, Environment and Quality.
  • To be a company oriented to increase the satisfaction of our clients.
  • Comply with the requirements of customers, interested parties, the legal norms and regulations in force related to our activities, as well as other commitments assumed applicable to Occupational Health and Safety, the Environment and Quality.
  • Provide permanent training related to Health and Safety at Work, Environment and Quality, among other topics
  • The integration of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System with the Environmental Management and Quality Management.
  • Perform activities of review, evaluation, performance and continuous improvement of the Integrated Management System